主頁 >
產品目錄 > 新21世紀化學 (第二版) / New 21st Century Chemistry (2nd Edition)
New 21st Century Chemistry ( 2nd Edition )
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
- The New 21st Century Chemistry(2nd Edition) series is composed of 12 textbooks (1A - 5). It is specially written for students taking Chemistry under the new Senior Secondary curriculum that will be implemented in September 2014.
- Book 1A to 5 cover the compulsory parts of the Curriculum.
- This series helps students master the knowledge of chemistry, and develop communication, critcical thinkign and problem-solving skills.
- This series helps students learn chemistry more effectively and become lifelong learners in science and technology.
Supportive material |
- Textbooks
- Textbooks (Teacher's Edition)
- Solution Guides to All exercises in Textbook
- Activity Books
- Activity Books (Teacher's Edition)
- Interactive Teaching USB
- Supplementary Exercises
- Supplementary Exercises ( Teacher's Edition)
- Solution Guide to Supplementary Exercises
- Question Bank (with CD-Rom)
- Briding Modules
- STSE Video Worksheets
- Jing Kung Chemistry Website
- Online Assessment System
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
same as above |
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same as above |
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
same as above |
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same as above |
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
same as above |
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same as above |
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
same as above |
Supportive material |
same as above |
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
same as above |
Supportive material |
same as above |
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
same as above |
Supportive material |
same as above |
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
same as above |
Supportive material |
same as above |
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
same as above |
Supportive material |
same as above |
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
same as above |
Supportive material |
same as above |
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
same as above |
Supportive material |
same as above |
Author |
L.H.M.Chung |
Book description |
same as above |
Supportive material |
same as above |
新21世紀化學 ( 第二版 )
作者 |
鍾皓湄 |
內容簡介 |
- 《第二版《新21世紀化學》系列分12冊課本(1A - 5),專為2014年9月開始實施的新高中學制下的學生而編寫。
- 課本1A至5屬課程的必修部分。
- 本系列旨在幫助學生全面掌握化學的基礎知識,培養他們的批判性思考能力、溝通能力及解難能力。
- 本系列能幫助學生有效地學習化學,培育學生成為科學與科技的終身學習者。
- 系列中的每個章節結構緊密,內容涵蓋廣泛,語言簡單明確,讓學生易於了解化學的概念。課本內亦提供大量與生活相關的例子,以及有助學生了解連繫着科學、科技、社會和環境四方面的議題,令學習更加豐富和有趣。
配套 |
- 課本
- 課本(教師版)
- 課本練習題解
- 實驗作驗
- 實驗作驗(教師版)
- 互動教學USB
- 補充練習
- 補充練習(教師版)
- 補充練習題解
- 模擬試題(附光碟)
- 銜接課程
- 科學、科技、社會和環境影片工作張
- 精工化學網資源
- 網上評估系統